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January 19, 2004
Mac vs. Windows gets bloody
Mac Halo 1.03 Updater MirrorsWhen Halo for the Mac shipped, it was already a version behind the Windows code, which was at version 1.03. Now the Mac version of 1.03 is available.
The good news: Mac players now can get into multiplayer games with Windows players, which means you're more likely to find a game you'll like, and you're more likely to find a game with low latency. I like the multiplayer better than I did before, and can't tell any significant difference in the single-player game.
The bad news: Version 1.03 now requires a CD in the drive to play.
Crash Test Dummies / Superman's Song from the album 99X Live X for Humanity.
January 19, 2004 in Apple - Software | Permalink
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MICROSOFT Web Site Link - Windows History Timeline - It appears Windows XP comes from Windows 2000 and Windows ME and DOS per their website? But they leave quite a few things out?
When you look at the history of Windows, starting with Windows on top of DOS in 1981 and going forward to XP in 2001 you have to end up with some spaghetti code. It appears Windows is a collection of everything from DOS, to DEC Basic, VMS, RSX-11, to Windows, to the Macintosh? To OS/2, and who knows what? It is no wonder there is a millions lines of code that cannot be fixed.
See PC Magazine - http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1640914,00.asp
and http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,1601482,00.asp
There are over 45 millions lines of code that Microsoft cannot fix in XP?
Posted by: jmusheneaux at Sep 21, 2004 3:17:25 PM