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December 12, 2003
Amsterdam vs. New Amsterdam on two wheels
Metropolis Magazine | Urban Cycling: A Tale of Two Cities
... ridership over the East River bridges (i.e., the Brooklyn, Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Queensboro bridges) has gone up 62 percent--from 2,410 to 3,875 per day--during commuter hours (7 a.m.-7 p.m.).Yet to decrease the number of cars on its roads (a stated goal of the Bicycle Master Plan) and make for a healthier urban environment, the City will have to deliberately displace vehicles by taking away car lanes and parking spaces. Whether that will happen is to be seen, but at least, by adopting the Bicycle Master Plan and creating auto-free routes, New York is inching down the path to change.
December 12, 2003 in Cycling | Permalink
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