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September 06, 2003

Phone blogging

The tests below were from my Nokia 3650 using Kablog, which is available for Symbian phones (the Nokia 3650, 7650, N-Gage, Sony Ericsson P800, T610, and others), Palm OS 3.5 or above, some Nextel and Sprint phones, RIM Blackberries, and anything else on this page.

The top test below was from Kablog's new 2.0b2 release, which adds direct support for the onboard camera, although it looks like some quality is lost by not using Nokia's capture and image utility.

I've also tried BlogPlanet, but have been unable to get it to work with this weblog. As far as I can see, scanning the Apache log files, it never even tickles the site. It also never asks me which access point I'm using for internet access, which almost every other net-aware program does.

Ideally, someone will come up with a way to include photos you've already taken, since you frequently don't know if something is blogworthy until you have the picture.

September 6, 2003 in Phone tech | Permalink


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try picoblogger you could download it from www.picostation.com

Posted by: mark abousharkh at Sep 22, 2004 9:47:29 PM

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