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August 14, 2003
Hard training ride
I skipped the commute ride on Wednesday, in favor of a Silver Comet Trail ride with my dad. He had to bail for work reasons, but I discovered something interesting: You can actually get to the trail from Atlanta on a bike!
I didn't, but Mapquest gave me a shortest route that was pretty much Paces Ferry Road past Home Depot world headquarters, left on Atlanta Road, right on Cooper Lake, which is the road I usually get to the trailhead on. I've ridden Paces Ferry a lot, and it's a good wide street with plenty of room for bikes, and a few major hills, especially in Vinings. It also features my favorite Atlanta street sign, the "Welcome to Buckhead" sign as you cross the Chattahoochee, miles from what most people would consider Buckhead.
Since Dad bailed, I took the ride up a notch (Bam!), and had the company of my iPod (strangest transition: Fastball's cover of "The Real Me" off Substitute: Songs from the Who to "Ironic" off Alanis Morrissette's jillion-selling angst-fest Jagged Little Pill) to help me really beat myself up.
After the ride (30-45 minutes later), I had another hypoglycemic/bonk experience, like back in December. I fell off the Atkins wagon on vacation in July, and have been back on for about 10 days now, and working out for the last 4, which is very similar to the setup when it happened in December. Since it worked last time, I downed a quick Coke, and had no further ill effects.
I ate pretty much whatever I wanted during the two weeks my family was on vacation (1 week with me, 1 week without): I had Chinese food, Mexican, pizza, Ben & Jerry's, Cokes out the wazoo, and beer, glorious beer. In two weeks, I gained 13 pounds. That is not a typo. On the other hand, in 10 days back on Atkins, I've already dropped 8 or 9 pounds of that, so I suppose it was largely the legendary "water weight".
Overall, I'm sitting at 223 or 224, 5 pounds higher than the lowest I've seen since starting Atkins, down 44-45 since November.
This morning, back to the commute ride. I'm going to try to ride on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, although I probably won't brave anything heavier than a sprinkle.
August 14, 2003 in Atkins Diet, Cycling | Permalink
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so hard far did you ride and how fast??
I looked at the Silver Comet website and was stunned to see they recommend visitors come in May thru October, when the weather is mildest. Augh, I would make in April thru May and then September thru October. These are the same yo yos who convinced the IOC that 76 F was the average high temp in July, I expect.
Posted by: paul at Aug 18, 2003 4:38:13 PM
It was a 30-miler, which is sort of my default ride on the Silver Comet, out to Hiram and back. I ditched the computer on my commute bike (it's just another thing for a thief to steal, or for me to remove when I lock up), but I left the trailhead at 5:34, stopped for water once, and a few traffic crossings, and was in Hiram at 6:25.
I got some water in Hiram, headed back at 6:30, stopped once with an iPod issue, a couple times for lights, and was back at the car at 7:25. Probably a rolling average of 17.5 or so.
Posted by: Frank at Aug 18, 2003 6:17:23 PM
Oh, and it's only just really gotten hot here. We had a very cool early summer, with all the rain, and so it's only been the last few weeks that we've had days over 90.
I notice The Weather Channel is in league with the Olympics conspirators.....
Posted by: Frank at Aug 18, 2003 6:20:55 PM
bah, still too damn humid for the likes of me. I laugh incontrollably when Native Northwesterners who've never or rarely ventured out of their kingdom complain about heat. No matter how hot it gets here, it still drops into the 50s (!!) at night, even in August.
Sounds like a good ride: 30-40 was my usual ride, and I hope to get back to it before too long.
Posted by: paul at Aug 19, 2003 12:11:06 AM