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July 03, 2003
Peachtree Road Race changes
I'm preparing for tomorrow morning's Peachtree Road Race. I've done the Peachtree, Atlanta's biggest 10k (and the PRRO's national championship race), 5 or 6 times. It's a lot of fun, and an amazing logistical feat, as 55,000 runners, 10+ water stations, and hundreds of portable toilets take over one of Atlanta's busiest streets for a couple of hours.
When we lived in Brookhaven, it was amazingly convenient. Up at 6:30 or 6:45, walk down to the start, run down Peachtree, left on 14th, pick up a t-shirt in the park, walk up 10th to catch MARTA at Midtown Station back up to Brookhaven Station.
Now I live in the suburbs, and one of the prices I have to pay is getting up much earlier on July 4th. The parking lots at the North Line MARTA stations fill up well before 7, so I have to be there by then. They've also changed the course -- it now continues down Peachtree to 10th Street, turning left to reach the park on a broad, downhill avenue. Unfortunately, that means to get back to the Midtown Station (near 10th and Peachtree), you have to wander through Midtown's residential section, up 8th or 9th Street, then back around to the station.
I notice in looking through my race packet that (to encourage runners to stay for the awards ceremony?) the two nearest MARTA stations, Midtown and Arts Center, will be closed tomorrow morning until 10 a.m., when pretty much everyone should be done with the race. If you don't want to stay, there are shuttle buses from Piedmont and 14th to Lindbergh Center, or you can walk on down to North Avenue.
If you're watching the race, I'm in time group 5, number 50860. Considering my training regimen, I'm likely to be finishing mostly with people from time group 6.
July 3, 2003 in Atlanta | Permalink
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So how did you do?
Posted by: hofo at Jul 7, 2003 9:50:03 AM
I was 12th....
Posted by: Frank at Jul 7, 2003 12:50:13 PM
Actually, I ran it in about an hour (58:15 on my stopwatch, but I screwed up one of my time splits, so it was a little more than that).
Felt good, no problems with the heat, which I heard a few people complain about.
I'm very, very sore in my legs today, as expected: the dread delayed muscle soreness (DMS) you get when you beat up on muscles you haven't sufficiently prepped.
Posted by: Frank at Jul 7, 2003 12:52:25 PM