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March 17, 2003

Staff of life, now with 50 percent less carbs!

Other than a couple of cheats, I haven’t had bread since November. A family member who has been on Atkins recommended Nature’s Own Reduced Carbohydrate bread. Each slice has 7 grams of carbohydrate, but 2 grams are fiber, so only 5 grams per slice count against your daily total.

I put two slices around some roast beef and swiss, and enjoyed it. The texture is just a tiny bit different than regular bread, but much softer and fluffier than gluten bread.

Interestingly, over at BoingBoing, I found a new link to this story about the grain growers launching an anti-“Fatkins” campaign, also aimed at affecting the upcoming revisions to the RDA food pyramid.

March 17, 2003 in Atkins Diet | Permalink


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