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February 04, 2003

Atkins update: down 30

Eleven weeks down, and I'm down 30 (maybe 31) pounds. Still bored.

Not really craving any of my old favorites, but ready for some more variety. I'm considering allowing myself one day off, but the Atkins book suggests doing so would mean another visit from the headaches that accompanied the onset of ketosis way back on the second and third days of the diet.

Yesterday, I wore a suit I hadn't worn in 2 weeks or so, and I felt like David Byrne: "This is not my beautiful suit...."

February 4, 2003 in Atkins Diet | Permalink


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Tracked on Feb 6, 2003 2:41:34 PM


So two questions: how low can/will you get? and how do you stay there once you get there?

Karin tells me the husband of someone she works with dropped 30 pounds(!) as part of his New Year's resolutions: that's a pound a day, near enough, just by modifying his diet (not to the Atkins extreme). I think I'd be scared if I lost weight that fast.

Sounds good. How to cope with the boredom, though? You can eat fish, right? That ought to give some variety, if you like it. Shellfish? Shrimp? Lobster?

Posted by: paul at Feb 4, 2003 11:27:52 PM

10 weeks for me & I've lost 31 pounds. I don't have any cravings anymore either. I'm still on the Inductions phase.

Keep it up... It's worth it!

Posted by: Steve at Feb 6, 2003 9:27:53 AM

I went from 298.5 on 11/17/2001 to 217.0 today (2/6/2003)... to be acurate I reached 220.0 on May 10, 2002. And have fluctuated between 215 - 223 ever since. I followed a fair amount of advice in the hackers diet. So congrats and good luck.

Posted by: Kevin at Feb 6, 2003 12:43:43 PM

Six weeks and 24 lbs down. I also am pretty bored with it. I love the way I feel (energy/aches & pains) but get mildy disgusted when I go through the grocery store.

Posted by: Darrel at Feb 9, 2003 8:46:16 AM

I've just started and I'm wondering if in the induction phase, you can eat an atkins bar for a meal repacement or a snack at work??

Posted by: sandra at Jun 20, 2003 11:40:40 PM

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