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December 19, 2002

Welcome to CNNLebanon.com, Lebanon's news source

CNN wins Internet domain name dispute - 2002-12-18 - Atlanta Business Chronicle

The new streamlined domain conflict resolution process has yielded 325 new domain names for CNN, including cnnshoppingcenter.com, cnn-canada.com, and cnnlebanon.com.

December 19, 2002 in CNN | Permalink


I hope that the truth is being said about Lebanon and that Lebanese people only want peace, and they have nothing to do with all the terrorism, sometimes I just weep the fact that Lebanon is damned forever because of a stupid war that fated his good people to live all their lives under the name of intimidation and terrorism, forgetting all the ancient history that made his people once the leaders of the teaching and glory, we were called once the Phoenicians who spread the alphabets around the world.

Posted by: Rania at Apr 16, 2003 3:30:39 PM

You say peaceful is our people, you say THEM are the reason that our country is in such a state, you say help is what we need, you say give us peace and we will show the world wonders…
Here is what I say…racism exists in every part of the country, reason is clotted by religious fanatics, rights are devoured by selfish fortune seekers, from a simple convenient store owner to a high placed political person, they can not wait to trick you in order to steal your life savings…This forsaken country is years behind in the race of future evolution, because we have more important things on our minds like: Is electric power gonna be available tomorrow, or is the salary gonna last till the end of the month, is bread gonna be affordable next week?
Things that led me and many others to immigrate and flea this hopeless unfit to live situation ,leaving our families, friends and the hope to come back one day to a land called LUBNAN…

Posted by: FOUAD SALEH at Oct 10, 2004 9:07:07 PM