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November 06, 2002
And now, your moment of Zen
Governor-elect Sonny Perdue kicked off his victory speech with "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty we're free at last!"
Of course, there was no one of color in the entire room except a couple of TV reporters.
November 6, 2002 | Permalink
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I've only been gone 2 years, and this body double for Steve Ballmer is unknown to me.
Yesterday was not a stellar day, as far as election results went. We may actually get the monorail built, though.
Posted by: paul at Nov 6, 2002 1:38:11 PM
So what's all this about the flag being the big issue? I saw something about it today. Talk about single issue politics . . . .
Posted by: paul at Dec 18, 2002 10:58:09 PM