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November 22, 2002

Ah, Andy Capp, that lovable wife-beating drunk


Comictastic is a new application that downloads up to 154 different comic strips from the web and newspaper syndicates. You can limit the downloading by subscribing to particular strips, but there doesn't appear to be a way to tell which strips you've already read for the day.

Still, a great (OS X only) diversion for a lazy Friday afternoon.

Seen at Forwarding Address: OS X.

November 22, 2002 in Seen browsing | Permalink


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What the hell do youmean by lovable wife beating rogue. What the hell do you mean by the fact that beating your wife is either lovable or he is a rogue? It must be a man who started this site .. Fucking ARSEHOLE.

Posted by: Gail Ferguson at Aug 12, 2004 3:35:07 PM

So much for the vaunted English sense of humor... That's actually a Simpsons reference, widely quoted on the web.

Like any joke, it's likely to die with dissection, but ponder briefly: Why exactly did someone think a wife-beating drunk would be a character people would want to read about every day in the morning funnies?

Anyway, thanks for dropping by and crapping on my carpet.

Posted by: Frank Steele at Aug 12, 2004 11:48:54 PM

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