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October 07, 2002
Even Exchange is better
washingtonpost.com | You Haven't Got Mail
Time magazine is declaring its independence from AOL Time Warner -- sort of. After using America Online e-mail since the merger, the magazine is switching to Microsoft e-mail rather than sticking with the parent company. "We're delighted to bring you a system that will match your business needs," Time executives said in a memo.
AOL tried this at CNN, as well, but the furor stopped it in its tracks.
October 7, 2002 in CNN | Permalink
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You have to wonder how many millions are wasted on resolving the interoperability problems between products like this. When I arrived at TBS in mid-1995, cc:Mail had just been rolled out worldwide at great expense, unifying a hodge-podge of enterprise and departmental email solutions. Then the TBS/TWX merger came along, requiring a migration to Exchange after a year or so of the cc:Mail implementation. And then the AOL merger meant another change, and then a change back.
Obviously, the vendors love this, but you'd think IT management would get tired of writing those checks and hearing the gripes when things don't work as advertised.
Posted by: paul at Oct 7, 2002 1:38:49 PM
Samsung Contact (old HP OpenMail) would be a great replacement for Exchange
Posted by: Shane Anglin at Oct 8, 2002 3:30:16 PM