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August 31, 2002

Xserve story at InfoWorld

InfoWorld: Apple's Xserve appeals to new breed

Apple is picking up some new resellers, and seeing improvements in Xserve sales, at least according to some of the article's sources.

August 31, 2002 in Apple, Apple - Xserve | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Jaguar API change catalog

Mac OS X 10.2 developer changes

Apple has posted a very useful table of what changes have been made in just about every component of Jaguar. It's on developer.apple.com, so a free developer membership might be required to view it.

Spotted on AppleScript Info.

August 31, 2002 in Apple, Apple - Software | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 30, 2002

Shatner, Mancow, paintball

Shatner captains paintball team in extreme challenge

This is just too weird to imagine...William Shatner is leading a team of ~600 in a huge paintball tournament near Chicago tomorrow. If all goes well, TJ Hooker/Big Giant Head/Capt. Kirk/Tekwar guy plans to parasail in.

August 30, 2002 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Intro to Jaguar, PC division

O'Reilly Network: Ease into the Switch [Aug. 30, 2002]

Good intro to OS X from the perspective of an experienced Windows user.

August 30, 2002 in Apple, Apple - General, Apple - Software | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Paco Underhill on Apple's retail stores

Paco Underhill is a consultant to retail stores, and a Mac fan.

His Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping looks at how stores are set up to encourage customers to buy, and he's interviewed in BusinessWeek on his feelings toward the Apple retail stores.

Seen at MacCentral.

August 30, 2002 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Strike avoided; press conference at 1 pm

Looks like contraction is off until 2006, at least, and a luxury tax will begin.

August 30, 2002 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Who's the browser to beat on OS X?

Netscape Browser Central

As noted almost everywhere, Netscape 7 is out, for Windows 98 or greater, Mac OS 8.6 or later, and Linux kernel 2.2.14 or greater.

I'm downloading it now, since I'm trying to figure out what will wind up being my primary OS X browser.

Candidates (note that the last 3 share a great deal of code, including the Gecko browser engine):

  • Internet Explorer: + : wide support, good standards compliance; - : screen refresh bugs, slowish

  • OmniWeb: + : very pretty, fairly fast, blocks pop-ups; - : sometimes very strange behavior with CSS

  • Opera: + : support for opening a group of bookmarks; - : seems more like the slowest browser on earth

  • Chimera: + : Renders pages quickly, pretty interface; - : seems to get the pages slowly

  • Mozilla: + : open source; - : crash-prone, slow

  • Netscape: too soon to say

Like to hear your comments, and your reasons for whichever browser you use, assuming you're on OS X.

August 30, 2002 in Apple, Apple - Software | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Fans strike back

CNNSI.com - Baseball - Fan backlash

At the game in Disneyland last night, fans chanted "Don't strike!" and threw foul balls, beach balls, dollar bills, and a stuffed monkey onto the field.

I think throwing foul balls back, following the example of Chicago Cubs fans throwing "enemy" home runs back, is a sensible and visible protest. Obviously, nobody should be throwing the ball back at anyone, but it seems an appropriate expression of that fan's (and by extension the fans') distaste.

August 30, 2002 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

New Coolpix -- the 4300

Nikon, Casio offer new digital cameras

Nikon has introduced the Coolpix 4300, a 4 megapixel upgrade from the Coolpix 885. Nikon says they'll continue to sell the 885 for $50 less, but I don't believe it -- the marketers are unlikely to have a product line where every product but 1 uses 4 digits.

Not that there's anything wrong with the 885 -- most of the pictures I post here were shot with its predecessor, the 880.

August 30, 2002 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 29, 2002

Apple puts money where mouth is

Apple to release Rendezvous as open source

It's good to see Apple a) supporting open standards, and b) giving back to the open-source community that has added so much value to OS X.

August 29, 2002 in Apple, Apple - General, Apple - Software | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack